TSM Project 1 Collage - Memories of Us

This project is an expansion of the other projects that I have been developing for my BFA. My work is rooted in my life experiences and cultural heritage. My family's Irish, Croatian, and Italian traditions and lineage serve as the inspiration for my work. I have a fascination with the found objects and family photos that have been passed on through my family; these items are used as source material for this piece. The layering of objects and photographs in my work tells the stories of immigration, ancestry, relationships, and cultural customs. These visual narratives connect the details of the lives and stories of family members from across continents and generations. This piece is captures the emotions and thoughts that I have on when looking through these found objects and photographs. In the process I am suggesting the viewer to engage with their own cultural identity and ancestry, encouraging the reawakening of memories, stories, and family history. 

The pieces design is inspired by the artist Paul Schuitema, a designer of the 1920s and 1930s and the New Typography movement brought graphics and information design to the forefront of the artistic avant-garde in Central Europe. The movement rejected traditional arrangements of type in symmetrical columns, modernist designers organized the printed page or poster as a blank field in which blocks of type and illustration (frequently photomontage) could be arranged in harmonious, strikingly asymmetrical compositions. In this work I incorporated collage, overlay, and text that make reference to Paul Schuitema's work, while still making it my own. 

Examples of Paul Schuitema's work 


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