TSM Animation Final

 When coming up with the concept for this project I wanted it to be relating back to the common themes that make an appearance in my work. I have always been fascinated with found family objects or vintage items such as photos, phones, documents, and cameras. For this project, I decided to animated a 35 mm camera since I have always wanted to get into film photography. I think it is interesting how these cameras have captured so many places that we humans have traveled to. We can capture the memories of these places so that we can remember them at a later date when our human memory is no longer able to recollect these scenes in such clarity as a photograph. We rely so much on cameras to capture moments in time so that we can look back on these images when our memory of these places gets jumbled and confused with other places and events. I have always been fascinated by how family photos that have been passed down on to me have allowed me to experience these places even though I have never experienced them myself. It got me thinking if these cameras were able to experience memory like humans do. I often think back on the places that I have been when I am looking through photos that I have taken throughout the years. I wanted to make an animation that would demonstrate the camera thinking back on the places that it has been and how the memories of these places escape us as time goes on similar to how human memory works. 


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