Graphic Design - Assigment 4

Covette Interior Page Layouts

For the pages that I have designed for this project I wanted to have a letter from editor, table of contents, and one of my bigger stories. I am going to continue to make more pages for the different other articles and stories that are listed in my table of contents. I am going to make some more of  articles that are only one page rather than a three pages like "finding your roots." In these designs I want to work with bleeds in order to push myself and my design skills. I wanted to challege myself to work more witht the bleeds in the the next couple of stories that I am going to make for my magazine. I also think that for the final designs on the interior pages I am going to try and incorporate collage  into those designs. I also wanted to challenge myself with mixture of font styles rather than sticking to one typeface for the whole magazine. For the next assignment I feel as though I can work more with those and pushing the way in which heirarchy can be addressed.  

In my design I also made the artistic choice to keep the color palette of my images very similar so that the design would feel consistent throughout the whole magazine. My thought process for the layout of the table of context, letter from editor, and personal story was to be simple, bright, fresh, airy design that would also connect to the style of Hamptons. This area and design has come to represent elegant and relaxed coastal living. One of the other stories that I am going to write about is Hampton Living, which I want to show the wide range of things that can be done and seen while in the Hamptons. I really want this article to be the main and big story of the magazine.


  1. Great work! All of the pages look like they go together and stay with a common theme. Overall the composition works really well; I especially like the "Finding Your Roots" page and how the text shapes into a square. For composition the only thing I would change is to move the "Contents" title either to the center or to the left side like it is for "Letter from the editor". A calming and bright color palette is seen in each page, sticking with mainly blue and green. Typographic hierarchy works well also, especially with the contents page. You can understand what is a section, chapter, page number, and chapter summary without being told.
    -Chloe Vogel


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