TSM - Smashed cars and Chinese Chewing: the five masterpieces of video art

Smashed Cars and Chinese Chewing: the five masterpieces of video art

When looking at the list of the five artists that were mentioned within this article I recognized two artists, Pipilotti Rist and Nam June Paik. I remember learning about Nam June Paik during my contemporary art history class during my time as an undergraduate at the University of Toledo. Nam June Paik juxatposed vivid sensations of the body in real time with the removed and collapsed and the recombiant time of tv. His work had an emphasis is on both how we see and what we see. This emphasis of how we see and what we see is perfectly represented in TV Buddah. The juxtaposition of  between the Buddha staring at a live (present time) image of himself and the Buddha confronted with his videotaped (past time) image.

The other artist that I had recognized was Pipilotti Rist's work Ever Is Over All. This was an example that was shown during my Time Space Motion class on ways in which an artist loops their work. One thing that was interesting that I learned while reading this article was that the musician Beyonce used elements of Ever Is Over All within one of her music videos. I think it is interesting the ways in which current artists can incorporate elements of video art in the present day.


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