TSM 3 examples of video art

Alex Prager (Sunday) https://www.alexprager.com/sunday

- The reason why I chose this piece from Alex Prager is because of the dual screen that is used in this work. In other works by Prager, such as "Face In The Crowd", she installs multiple screens to change the viewers experience while viewing her art. By having the viewer engulfed in the sea of people, the viewer beings to sympathize and to feel the same emotions that are portrayed by the protagonist's of her art. The dual screen is one example of the many ways in which video art can be composed. This format of the dual screen demonstrates ways in which I can play with format and composition in my own video art that I will be making while enrolled in the Time, Space, Motion class. Another reason why I like this piece by Prager is because of the old hollywood style that is continuously apparent within her work. The clothing, wigs, and props that are used help portray the sense that this art was created from a different time period. When working within my own art I want to pay attention to the details that help to portray my ideas so that they are clear to the viewer.

Alex Prager (La Grande Sortie) https://www.alexprager.com/la-grande-sortie
- La Grande Sortie is an example of storytelling that I feel is effected by the sound that is featured within this piece. Alex Prager is known to work closely with composers to create music that fits the tone that Prager demonstrates within this film and her other works. The music that is used really helps portray the anxiety and haunting feeling that the film portrays. The time in which sounds are placed heightens the drama and emotion that are captured within La Grande Sortie.

Georges Méliès (A Trip to the Moon) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNLZntSdyKE
-I have always gravitated toward vintage things because I love learning about history and the elements that were prevalent to that period of time. From Fashion, film, technology, art, ideologies, and cultural practices are some of the reasons why I am so interested in studying things and ideas from the past. In a time where everything is so technology based I am drawn to the the simplicity of the way of life and the ways in which people interacted with tools and technology that was available to them. A Trip to the Moon was one of my first recollections of me being interested in something from the past. I remember seeing this film from a short clip that was featured in a film the I was watching when I was a kid. I was so drawn to the way in which the people created the film with the limited use of technology that was available to them.  The limited use of technolgy forced the creator to think of ways in which to portray the story, such as constructing the persons face within the moon.


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