2020 Reviewing interactive website

Lady Bird     http://ladybird.movie

The interactive website that I will be reviewing is the interactive website that was created for the film,  Lady Bird. This film had won the 2018 Golden Globe winner for best motion picture in musical or comedy category. Lady Bird is a coming of age film about a girl named Christine McPherson (played by Saoirse Ronan) who gives herself the title of Lady Bird. Christine is a senior at a Catholic high school in the suburbs of Sacramento, California. She is eager to escape the suburbs and go to college on the east coast "where the culture is" despite the fact that her parents are unable to afford it. The film looks at the relationships and beliefs that shape up to the people we become and finding the beauty of what we call home.

Films can be marketed many ways whether that be through trailers, posters, social media platforms, or websites. Lady Bird has a interactive website that allows the user to learn more about the film through interactive elements such as a quiz, video, motion graphics, and sound. When coming to the landing page of the website the bold red logo is placed in the left center of the page with short clips from the movie playing in the background. The bright red is a effective contrast to the dark hue of the clips that are chosen from the movie. As the clips go by the viewer can get a general feel of what the movie is about and certain character archetypes that become present in Lady Bird. Color plays an important role in capturing the aesthetic of the film. The director wanted to capture the film as if it was a memory from the 2000's while adding in the quirkiness to Lady Bird's character, who refuses to be bound to one era when finding her identity. Also within the film the director worked to capture the colors associated with Sacramento, yellows, pinks, golds, pastel colors, while adding the pops of blue and red. The color pallet becomes apparent when the user takes the interactive quiz that is apart of  the website. In the right corner of the page it states "what memories of home do you cherish". By having the question what memories of home do you cherish" is a preview to the theme of the  film. Then there is a card that has a little icon and statement on it that pertains to things that happen during Lady Bird and the theme of what makes home, home. The user then can drag the card left (take it) or right (leave it). After the card is swiped a video from the film that relates to statement on the card appears on the screen of the website. Once the user completes the eight question quiz you recieve a motivational message based on the answers that you give.

I believe that this website is an interesting way of marketing a film, since I had never seen a website was created for a movie before. This is another way for people to become aware of the film other than through social media and seeing the trailer on a poster or in a trailer on the television. The website allows the viewer to get a general preview of what Lady Bird is about. The user is also able to see the cast and director of the film, and watch the trailer.



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