response to RiP: a remix manifesto
I had somewhat of a knowledge on what copyright and how it can be a problem to some while others think that it is beneficial. I had never heard of Girl Talk before watching this documentary so I had no idea what this music artist did. Once watching the documentary I saw how he took bits and pieces from popular songs and remixed them into his own version of music. In some ways I have mixed emotions on what he is doing. Part of me likes it because it is creative and is pushing music in a new direction but the other part of me says that he is stealing from others and making a profit from it. I feel like most people in todays society are okay with taking others work and making it their own. But once it becomes your work as the one being taken and used to make money then it puts copyright into a whole new perspective. I thought the documentary highlighted things that I had never thought before such as the multinational corporations like Disney who have had a huge impact on copyright. Bringing my attention to these topics was very beneficial and it make me think and question when do we draw the line copyright.
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